Suprasensory Visionary Artist
This is the visual story of the artist and the dream worlds he travels to. These artworks are a glimpse into the worlds of extra dimensional lifeforms that are able to terraform entire realities through the sequence of a hyper advanced language. They build worlds for a habitat where supreme intelligence can arise, a form of consciousness that super seeds humankind’s current state of awareness. These supra-sensory lifeforms are able to interact with all that is through the eternal mirage of mirrors, the gateways of infinite existence. They are beyond time and space and are masters of the waveform.
This technology has yet to be discovered by the eye of the perceiver, even though some have already begun to interact with a conscious mind where the hemi synchronization of the creator forces is coming online. This will make tidal shifts happen of microbial forces that are steering the collective into the sentience of elemental symbiosis. Where the unmovable spins its wings onto the layers of dream potential. Bringing its vision from nothingness to completion once again.
The eternal breath fuses momentum and brings unification into the divided species, where the cycles of before come to pass in a new light that shines brightly onto the scriptures of the soul. The dance has begun its climax phase, where extra-dimensional consciousness has been activated and shall only grow stronger as time moves back into its nonlinear original stasis. This light becomes visible to the species untold, and they remember their tale and recognize their infinite existence as if it were in the endless beginning. The paradox of eternal, timeless existence meets the ouroboros of the Mobius strip
This paradoxical story takes place where time doesn’t exist and at the same time it does, its a place where human consciousness was formed, is influenced and updated by, this place is the mind of nature. Humanity unconsciously mimics its technology to the mind of nature where these dream worlds originate from, where humans are able to experience and explore the vast terrains of unbounded frontiers; in all its applications, inventions and upgrades which are a constant development. The story tells about a time where humanity is going through a period of transformation, the dawn of a new ages where new forms of technological advancements and consciousness is rising. Where advanced language models assist humankind to awaken the true power of imagination.
Sven Wes creates art based on the Golden Ratio Φ (PHI), also known as the Fibonacci Sequence. Combining this with cymatics causes brain massage, similar to the effects of neurographic art stimulating the viewer’s mind in a similar way that music does: cymatic frequency is visible music. Cymatic frequency (visible sound) is used in his art to affect the neural networks of the brain which stimulate healthy brainwave activity this creates a phenomena called brain massage.
Subliminally infusing cymatic frequencies into art introduces the modern renaissance of art science. Combining novel technologies with artisanry creates attention into the abilities of humans. as we move into the future this will be an essential part to recognize the science behind art. Highlighting the connection between sound vibration geometry and the subtle worlds where inspiration originates from. Bringing back the credentials to extremely sophisticated process the humand mind and body connection is able to perform which is often taken for granted. Neurons are the missing link between the known and the unknown.